Monday, October 11, 2010

DSLR & SLR Cheatsheets. Pocket sized quick reference cards. Learn to take breath taking photos every time you use your camera. Digital Camera Guide, Photography Manual, Tips for use with Digital or Film SLR cameras.

DSLR & SLR Cheatsheets. Pocket sized quick reference cards. Learn to take breath taking photos every time you use your camera. Digital Camera Guide, Photography Manual, Tips for use with Digital or Film SLR cameras.

12 Laminated 2.5" x 4" cards on a carabiner keychain. With numerous how-to tips, tricks, techniques, and charts to help create stunning images. The Photo Buddy Quik Cards are an inexpensive way to get up to speed on techniques that will help you create stunning photos. These concise, durable & ultra-light cards are a great reference for avid photographers -- just clip them in your camera bag for quick help when you're out shooting. The Quik Cards or "cheatsheets" are small enough to be easily stored in your camera bag or clipped just about anywhere. Unlike most manuals, Quik Cards are written in easy-to-understand language.


Cards Included in this set:


1. Metering and Exposure

2. Changing Exposure Settings

3. Lighting

4. Fill Flash

5. Landscape

6. Water

7. Flowers

8. Sunrises/Sunsets

9. Nighttime photography

10. Fireworks

11. Portraits

12. High Key / Low Key


SAVE $$$
- Now Available - Quik Cards 3 Pack, Includes Quik Cards I, II, and III. 


Click here to buy from Amazon

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