Monday, October 4, 2010

No Tethering phone Windows 7 (PC World)

Upcoming Windows phone 7 devices are expected to have most of the characteristics required of smartphones today ' hui - store application, a 5 megapixel or better camera, a touchscreen, games - but there is one that he will not, and which is tethering.

This week, phone enthusiasts have been context with news that phones would tethering on the operator, on the basis of the comments that Brandon Watson, Director of developer experience for Windows phone 7, during a podcast.

This is his tort.Vendredi, Microsoft stated that, in fact, Windows 7 phone devices allow tethering. Tethering lets people connect their phones to a computer for Internet access via a cellular network, with the acting phone as a modem.

Lack of tethering will put Windows 7 phones at a disadvantage compared to many other leading smartphones.Apple notoriously have activated not initially tethering, but once that clamored, users began to him for this année.BlackBerry and Android phones also allow it.

Microsoft has been promoting the new phone as a platform that will turn around of its mobile sales signaling.Early reviewers were mainly positive about their experiences with demonstration devices.

First phones running new operating system are expected to be available in October.

Nancy Gohring covers phones mobile and cloud computing to the IDG News Service.Suivez Nancy Twitter instructions to @ idgnancy.Adresse e-mail Nancy is

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