Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The secret to digital photography learning

The secret of learning digital photography is a relatively simple ... just understand that it is essentially the film. Once you really get that overuse it in a snap.

There are only two major differences between them.

The first difference is the way that the light has been recorded:. Now we use a digital sensor that historically light was recorded on film.

Second: we end our digital memory stick pictures instead of a movie.So this makes it easy for you to see our pictures rather than waiting for immediately for laboratory local hour to process and print our image we just download the. images from the memory stick into your computer.

Purists among us feel that the film still produces a better picture, but with all the recent scientific advances the eye most dual digital-only tell the difference. only then if the giant size will be increased.

In General, learning digital photography, we still need to perform the basic steps that we have always done:

Learn how the shutter speed affects our when to use one photo fast or slow to reach our goals of the creative.

Next we have to understand the settings for f-stop, how they affect our creative images.

Once these basics are under our belts, then it's time to learn about light and how to manipulate it to turn you into one segment that adds ???? jaw dropping the "wow" factor into our photo.

Throw in some study and practice with different positions, we have all the skills we need to take spectacular photos-film or digital.

At this point in our progress, we see the greatest benefit of digital film ... relieve in manipulation.

Retouching and image manipulation is an important part of the creative process and makes it easy for all digital! use it to make it very difficult to make changes to the film but now retouches, a few minutes at a basic photo editing program, we're already all can look like a professional.

So the secret is learning digital photography is to be too concerned with the fact that he is the only digital-media-learn the basics of good photography techniques, you will be fine.

For more information about how to learn digital photography and put some jaw-and-drop "pizazz" your photos ... get your copy of my new book "the e-7 Secrets to create Stunning images!"You can get a free copy at:

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